
Anglo-French Dynamo Conference

Cambridge University, 14-15 September 2009

Annual meeting of the French GdR-dynamo


Important dates

Registration: 15/07/2009
Extended to 27/07/2009
Abstract submission: 31/07/2009
Workshop: 14-15/09/2009



Alexandros Alexakis ENS X
Vasilis Archontis St Andrews University Canceled
Konrad Bajer University of Warsaw X
Nikolai Berkoff University of Leeds X
Wouter Bos CNRS - Ecole Centrale de Lyon X
Allan Sacha Brun CEA-Saclay, SAp X
David CebronIRPHEX
Carlo Cossu LadHyX, CNRS-Ecole polytechniqueX
Alice Courvoisier University of Leeds X
Christina DaviesUniversity of LeedsX
Chris Donnelly Cambridge X
Emmanuel DormyCNRS-IPGP-ENSX
Marie Farge Ecole Normale SuperieureX
Stephan Fauve Ecole normale superieureX
Benjamin Favier LMFA - Ecole Centrale de Lyon X
Andrew Gilbert University of Exeter X
Christophe GissingerEcole Normale SupérieureX
Fabien Godeferd CNRS - Ecole Centrale de Lyon X
Laure Goudard IPGP X
Céline GuervillyCNRS-LGIT-UJFX
Malcolm Haines Imperial College London X
Wietze Herreman LRA-ENS, Paris X
David HughesUniversity of LeedsX
Dominique Jault LGIT, Grenoble X
Stephanie Joachim University of Leeds X
Chris Jones University of Leeds X
Laurène JouveUniversity of CambridgeX
Giorgio Krstulovic LPS -ENS Paris X
Nicolas Leprovost University of Sheffield X
Geoffroy Lesur University of Cambridge X
Peter Mann University of CambridgeX
Keith Moffatt DAMTPX
Vincent Morin ENS LyonX
Romain Nguyen van yen LMD-CNRS-ENS X
Gordon Ogilvie University of Cambridge X
Francois Petrelis LPS-ENS X
Franck Plunian LGITX
Yannick Ponty Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur X
Michael Proctor DAMTP X
Erico Rempel DAMTP, University of Cambridge X
Katy RichardsonUniversity of CambridgeX
Alexander SchekochihinUniversity of OxfordCanceled
Martin SchrinnerENSX
Anvar ShukurovNewcastleX
Lara SilversUniversity of CambridgeX
Andrew SowardUniversity of ExeterCanceled
J.B. TaylorCulham (Retired)X
Steven Tobias University of LeedsX
Laurette Tuckerman PMMH-ESPCI-CNRS X
Nigel WeissUniversity of CambridgeX
Toby WoodUniversity of CambridgeX
