Talks are 15 minutes long, followed by 5 minutes questions.
Posters will be presented in a 2 minutes summary
with a single slide on the first day (monday afternoon).
They will be displayed during the full week, and
a session discussing posters will be held on the last day (friday morning).
Stellar magnetic activity and dynamo action
Presented by | Title | Type of presentation |
Thierry Alboussiere | Experimental transition to turbulence of Hartmann layers | talk (friday, 16h55) |
Alexander Anufriev | Amplitudes of the solution at the compressible convection in the Earth's core. | talk (monday, 16h35) |
Raul Avalos-Zuniga | Influence of electromagnetic boundary conditions onto the onset of dynamo action in laboratory experiments | poster |
Manuel Baptista | Stability of MHD flow steady states to perturbations in a large spatial scale of a 3D periodic domain | poster |
Alberto Bigazzi | Non-axisymmetric dynamo modeling of solar preferred longitudes | poster |
Francois Bouchut | Numerical simulation of rotating shallow water flows | poster |
Mickael Bourgoin | MHD induction in swirling flows | poster |
Axel Brandenburg | What is the energy-carrying scale of a solar surface dynamo? | talk (thursday, 16h25) |
Axel Brandenburg | Non-Fickian diffusion and Tau-approximation from numerical turbulence | poster |
Jozef Brestensky |
- Magnetic Instabilities Catalysed by Viscosity in the Earth's Core
- Rotating Convection with Soret Effect in the Earth's Core |
poster |
Martin Breuer | The influence of inertia on convection in a rotating spherical shell | poster |
Nic Brummell | A dynamo driven by the interaction of shear and magnetic buoyancy | talk (thursday, 16h05) |
Allan Sacha Brun | The Turbulent Magnetic Sun: A 3-D MHD Approach | talk (thursday, 17h05) |
Alice Courvoisier | Modulated dynamos in cellular flows | poster |
Stéphane Descombes | Order reduction of numerical schemes in the presence of small parameters | poster |
Peter Frick | P.Frick and D.Sokoloff "A simple model of multiscale dynamo" | talk (tuesday, 11h45) |
Agris Gailitis | New results of Riga dynamo experiment and its mathematical background | talk (friday, 16h15) |
Sílvio Gama | Stability oF MHD flow steady states to perturbations in a large spatial scale of a 3D periodic domain | poster |
David Gerard-Varet | Ekman Layers near rough boundaries | poster |
Nicolas Gillet | Experimental and numerical study of developped magneto-convection in a rapidly rotating sphere | poster |
Uwe Guenther | A no-go theorem for isospectral alpha2-dynamos | poster |
Pavel Hejda | Numerical modelling of geodynamo by finite volume method | talk (thursday, 11h25) |
Peter Hoyng | Ab initio calculation of the mean reversal time of a geodynamo model | talk (wednesday, 12h05) |
David Hughes | Dynamo Action in the Presence of a Background Field | talk (monday, 16h15) |
Alexey Iskakov | Application of the finite volume and boundary element methods to the geodynamo | talk (wednesday, 11h45) |
Evy Kersalé | Global MRI and dynamo in accretion discs | poster |
Nathan Kleeorin | Magnetic Helicity Transport and Solar and Galactic Dynamos | poster |
Maarit Korpi | Sources of interstellar turbulence and their relation to dynamo action: a numerical investigation | talk (friday, 10h45) |
Kirill Kuzanyan | Helicity and the alpha-effect in solar dynamo: theory and observations(tentative title) | talk (thursday, 16h45) |
Gedeon Legaut | Secular variation of the Earth's magnetic field | poster |
Nicolas Leprovost | Turbulent diffusion with ambipoar drift | poster |
Philip Livermore | Magnetic energy stability in spherical flows | poster |
Joanne Mason | Models of the Solar Dynamo incorporating Magnetic Pumping | poster |
Stéphane Mathis | Transport in stellar radiation zones with magnetic field | poster |
Xu Mingtian | An integral equation approach to unsteady kinematic dynamos | poster |
Krzysztof Mizerski | Couette flow | poster |
Vincent Morin | Convection in rapidly rotating fluid sphere | poster |
Manuel Nunez | Dynamics of the stretching of magnetic fields | talk (monday, 16h55) |
Alexandra Pais | Exploring the non-uniqueness of inverted CMB flows | poster |
Franck Plunian | Influence of electromagnetic boundary conditions onto the onset of dynamo action in laboratory experiments | poster |
Yannick Ponty | Dynamo action at low magnetic Prandtl number using Large Eddies Simulation | poster |
Florent Ravelet | What happens in a conducting shell surrounding a kinematic cylindrical dynamo ? | poster |
Karl-Heinz Raedler | A remark on kinetic helicity, alpha-effect and dynamo action | talk (tuesday, 10h45) |
Igor Rogachevskii | Electromotive Force in Turbulent Convection and Magnetic Dynamos | talk (tuesday, 12h05) |
Jon Rotvig | Dynamos and convection: mean flow generation | talk (thursday, 11h05) |
Alexander Ruzmaikin | The Non-Axisymmetric Solar Dynamo | talk (thursday, 15h45) |
Alexander Schekochihin | Linear and nonlinear small-scale turbulent dynamo Waves | poster |
Alexander Schekochihin | From Small-Scale Dynamo to Isotropic MHD Turbulence: Folded Fields and Alfven Waves | talk (tuesday, 11h05) |
Martin Schrinner | Mean-field coefficients for geodynamo models | poster |
Anvar Shukurov | Magnetic fields in multi-phase interstellar medium | poster |
Radostin Dimov Simitev | Dynamical Processes and Parameter Dependences of Convection Driven Spherical Dynamos | poster |
Stephan Stellmach | Cartesian small Ekman number dynamos | poster |
Andreas Tilgner | Mode selection in experimental dynamos | talk (friday, 16h35) |
Steve Tobias | The role of spectra in turbulent dynamos | talk (tuesday, 11h25) |
Romain Volk | Induction mechanisms in a von karman flow of liquid gallium | poster |
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