Important dates

Registration deadline:



The European GdR on Dynamo is an international network, which gathers several european groups working on dynamo theory. A "European GdR" is an international "Groupe de Recherche", or scientific coordination network. Its aim is to organise regular joint meetings. The Cargese september 2011 meeting is the first meeting oganised in the framework of the European GdR Dynamo.

Dynamo theory has made significant progress in the recent years. Progress has been achieved on a variety of fronts: on the observational description of natural dynamos (in particular planets and stars), on numerical modelling, on laboratory experiments and on the theoretical understanding. Further progress is expected in the coming years in particular through cross fertilisation of these approaches across thematic boundaries. To achieve interdisciplinary progress, it is essential that the research teams working on these complementary fields get together on a very regular basis.

The aim of the European GdR Dynamo network is to organise regular scientific conference gathering members of the different institutions, as well as external interested participants. One plenary conference will be organised each year in one of the country taking part to this network. The aim of this conference is to ensure cross-fertilisation and a wide circulation of ideas and recently obtained results.

Plenary presentations:

Henri-Claude Nataf Michael Proctor
Stephan Fauve Alexander Schekochihin
Cary Forest Andrew Soward
Daniel Lathrop Frank Stefani
Pablo Mininni Steven Tobias

Local Organising committee:

François Pétrélis
Yannick Ponty
Emmanuel Dormy
